My feature requests

ability to change the name of an insert

ability to change the incline or decline of a crescendo

allow for double the time to be implemented in the format of a regular bpm
ability set bpm and also an option to double the size of the midi outline to fit a bpm that is 2x the speed. so if i make a song at 350bpm, it’s original tempo would be 175.

i use fl studio, although there is a solution that is quick, by selecting all the midi and then dragging it to the desired length after doing a lil bit of quick math.

  • What is it that you refer to as “an insert”? Screenshots helps :wink:
  • Crescendo: Are you referring to the plugin doing volume change (because that’s already agreed on) or the visual representation of “the buildings” that you would like to alter?
  • Double time: Screenshots of what numbers or lengths of what you would like to see changed how, if user select “Double BPM”, please?
  • I’m not sure what you mean by “the ability to set BPM”? The BPM is always set in the DAW?
  • Is all you need the “Guide track” to be double the length? Then nothing else will match…

I think perhaps if you try and “hack”, screenshot and draw your solutions first and then we can see what it is that you want and what we can do.


time signature is a very important aspect that i also should mention.

time signature changeups is something to consider

so in the add section, it would be nice to have a custom option

i basically spent more time with the pic than the reply so you can visually see what i would like implemented

Hi Snafu :slight_smile:

I hate to drop this but a picture is worth a thousand… :wink:

Very helpful, thank you so very much, I think I understand it all now!

I took the liberty to write ugly purple numbers on, so we can better discuss by these.

First I have to say that this thorough work is much appreciated, and I see the need for a public roadmap, perhaps something people can vote on. I will get around to that eventually.

This is already in the roadmap: There should be 3 “draggable dots”: Left, Middle, Right on top of all the top lines on all the “buildings”: User can drag middle to move up or down, and change angle by moving the side handle up / down.

All that dropdown is change naming convention, it does nothing else. It’s just for “reference”.
Originally we did have a long list of possible genres, but it turned out that “Electronic” and “Electronica” both refer to “B” in the "Common reference here: as “Drop”. so why have a long list? It’s only a naming convention, it doesnt do anything.

The PDF I just linked is also linked to from the infamous “About” page: About ArrangerKing and I think if you read that, we will be closer to a mutual understanding of several things.

This is in the roadmap as well: User should be able to call the part types anything he wants. When exporting/importing though, it’ll reset to the local settings, so we can keep the sharecodes clean, not clutter them with users naming conventions and some issues that’d bring.

That’s unfortunately an absolute no-go: ArrangerKing is from ground up build as you can read on the about-page, and if you use it right, you will not have a need for more than 8 part types, no music genre has that. (Prove me wrong?)

That’s unfortunately also not going to happen: The whole idea here is that the arrangements you can get “out of the box” are based on hit tracks - of course I cannot say which, as that would lean into danger territory to say what tracks are ripped and included WITH the package that is charged money for - but you can download more SEPERATLY online, where you can see what tracks they are.
Perhaps you would like to explore the entire Import / Export functionality, it’s quite elaborate. Feel free to make online lists, write share codes below your videos, so users can dl in a few clicks… You can even watermark your name in them :slight_smile:

I’m trying not to clutter the interface, and this information is already in the DAW and is set in the DAW…
Unfortunately I dont think we can get this information from the host DAW, and we will not ask people to syncronize.
If it would help you to ONLY add a *2 or /2 on the time, then sure, that should not be a problem. But have you thought this through? Now the playheadmarker and the playhead positions will also be affected?!? I dont see how this can make sense?

Thanks #3 is just what I opened a feature request for - making part names unique. Very handy in jazz structure where you have solos over verse and chorus parts. Custom would work for me.

Hi, the post is old, we already hae mede #3 - which version do you have? You can update by downloading ArragnerKing again from :slight_smile:

122 - But never mind. I’m starting to get the hang of how the program works.

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