Problems with the plugin blocks and times

This plugin was realy something I was looking for because I often struggle to make more out of short pieces .
Tried the demo but stumble to some real bummer issues ( or maybe I do it wrong Smile smiley )

When trying some reference songs and their structure its realy annoying that if I change one verse time all the verses are that time and length
Also you can name the blocks but then the blocks stay on that name , for me to realy have it working I find it easier to have it on one song this name and other song structure a other name .
Or make every block unique of name and length

Did not read this thread yet but for me thats realy a dealbreaker and makes it unfortunately kinda useless because the structures are not the same and not the same length
Realy wish it was different because it have good potential and I almost had bought it but after working more with it and look and reference structures I see its limitations very quickly or please tell me that im fully wrong

I posted this also on headspace but saw you have a own forum
Im realy interested in if im doing it wrong or is this plugin just to limited for its own use ?
I hope not because this kind of plugin is realy useful if you can use it a bit more free

Hi Ri-ealism,

" its realy annoying that if I change one verse time all the verses are that time and length" - Well… I’m not sure what to say: This is how music is structured, have you seen here → Click on this:

If one verse is 4 bars, then thats what another verse is, this is what differs “audio montages and classical music” from the music that for example is listed on that page.

THere’s also this:

“Also you can name the blocks but then the blocks stay on that name”
Maybe if you read the manual it will help you? The naming is not to name it like “The first verse” and “The second verse”, it’s definitions of part types, as you may have learned there’s always only up to 8 part types in a “song” and the naming of these can be individual depending on genre, so you can make your own “genre”, that is what the “personal naming” is for.

I think what you refer to as “limitations” are exactly the structure that ArrangerKing brings (and frankly, perhaps even exactly the structure you need, but havent seen it yet).

If you want “no structure”, just don’t use ArrangerKing, you are completely free in your DAW :slight_smile:

? What site is that? Do you mean Gearspace?