If I change a part name it changes across the template. Example: I have a Chorus that becomes a Keybd Solo and a Verse that becomes a Guitar solo. Same chord changes but different things going on. If the part names were unique then that would better outline the tune arrangement.
Thanks for the request.
As you know, DAW’s already have various “Markers” (Depending on your DAW)
ArrangerKIng is about getting structure into the open DAW. Structure means that “A verse” is “A verse”. If it’s a solo, then it should be a solo instead. Thats not about changing the name, but about changing the part type.
I’m not entirely sure of your angle, if we are on the same page, if you have read the maual and the /about page About ArrangerKing etc - If you are sure you know what ArrangerKing is and have read the manual and still see these issues, can I then perhaps ask you to shoot a video of what you mean?
OK - I get that a chorus is a chorus. I just think differently when the solo is over “Chorus changes” as opposed to the solo being over “verse changes”. But yeah you’re right I can make that in the DAW. Pretty much I can create structures in templates in the DAW and save as a blank project. More experimentation to do. Thanks.