Selecting buildings in minimised view

Good day. I would like to know if it would be possible to be able to select the buildings in the minimised view, for quick prototyping of different arrangement patterns. I like doing my tweaks in the full view but this view is easier to keep track of everything on one screen and being able to select the buildings in the minimised view will be a great workflow enhancement, if it is possible. Please consider it.

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Hi Jason,

Thanks for taking time describing this, it’s very helpful.

The current version is basically “as much as I could afford to have developed”, and there’s a more or less loose “version 2” in the pipeline as well as a rather far reaching roadmap.

Part of this is to be able to work with all instances in one window (not force you to create that wall there yourself).

When we are there, it’ll be a system of “always one active”, and the active one has buildings, and any instance can be edited / selected anywhere.

Not sure if that made sense, but “I got you”, and right now it’s not doable by design, but a new design is planned.

That being said: if we can ease the pain on the way, we will, I will definitely keep your request in mind and see what we can do of hot fixing.

I’m sorry that this is the best I can do right now, but it looks like we are starting to sell some serious licenses so we will get there sooner than later.

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I am truly happy that the licenses are beginning to sell - Arrangerking deserves to succeed well.

I added another comment on Rekkerd, explaining how great Arrangerking is and enticing people to try it out, to see how great it actually is - they just need to take a bit of time to understand the fundamentals of how it works and it will change the way they arrange forever. Arranging was always the process I liked least in music production and Arrangerking changed that for me :-).


This is something that I’d like to have too. Having all instances in one window is also a great idea, though I think it should be optional, like sometimes I might really just want to see the lane for one single track.

Yes, it will be “optional” / fold out to see all.


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